indie rock pete,, pale suzie, cat ears, cat eyes : i won a free pizza and found fifty bucks on the street this week! top that. i was declared an honorary cat, with all the rights and privileges that rank implies. so much for my great week. now bring me food or suffer eternal torment!

The Pizza is Always Greener

there's a very good reason that I don't tell people when I'm having a good week.

– @rstevens

indie rock pete,, pale suzie, cat ears, cat eyes : i won a free pizza and found fifty bucks on the street this week! top that. i was declared an honorary cat, with all the rights and privileges that rank implies. so much for my great week. now bring me food or suffer eternal torment!

The Pizza is Always Greener

there's a very good reason that I don't tell people when I'm having a good week.

– @rstevens