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Desktop Pictures

Character Bonanza of Gigantiosity! Click for bigger versions:

Defaultie the Student Loan Owl:

1024 x 768 | 1440x900 | 1280x854 | 1920x1200

"I Am Ten Ninjas" is now also a desktop image:

i am ten ninjas

10 Ninjas 1024x768 | 10 Ninjas 800x600

I use this broken and reassembled spread from DS: How I Blew My Thursday Night on my two monitor set-up at home. I had a request for more desktops, so I'm sharing them. Both are 1024 x 768 pixels in size.

Clango Pooping | Lil' Sis Barging in

Clango's chum Jonathon Elliot went and made two awesome 'Sweeties desktop pictures for all of you kids. Both are 3x3 grids of characters with a very "Brady Bunch" feel to them. They're more than worth a peek.

Main Cast 800x600 | Main Cast 1024x768

Guest Stars and Rarities 800x600 | Guest Stars and Rarities 1024x768

i'm a rocker, i rock out 120x60 banner diesel sweeties 88x33 banner

Don't want to check this site every day? Enjoy a piping hot DS Feed:

My other sites:

Dumbrella- The Dumbest Website Ever Dumbrella
I Heart Pixels
RS blathers Livejournal
Myspace is a necessary evil

My favorite webcomics:

Scary Go Round
Dinosaur Comics
Exploding Dog
Scott McCloud
The Creatures in...
Cat and Girl
American Elf
Red Robot
World Domination!

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All comics and other original content (c) 2000-2008 Richard Stevens 3.